SOP for ATAC Cone and Plate:
1. Ensure the correct cone is selected on the Nuline set up screen.
2. Use the correct calibration oil with the selected cone – for example use a 5P oil with a 5P cone.
3. Set the Nuline plate temperature to 25°C and allow to stabilise.
4. If using a 2P or 5P cone then place 0.1ml to 0.15ml sample on the plate, if using a 10P, 20P, 40P or 100P cone then place only 0.1ml sample on the plate. To do this accurately we recommend using a 1ml syringe with 0.1ml increments.
5. Pull the cone down onto the plate and using the toggle knob go to the Cone Current Factor (Calibration) screen and follow the instructions on the screen. It may appear that the machine is stationary at first and not doing anything, but please wait as the Cone calibration can take several minutes. Once the calibration is complete the machine will finish and automatically return to the run screen on the display.
User manual can be found on the drive here