
  1. Once goods are delivered the signed Delivery Note and Invoice must be submitted to the end user and Finance department for payment. 
  2. Some institutes require the end-user or their department administrator to upload the documentation onto the system for payment. Please ensure this is done and follow-up every 2-3 days to ensure this is done. 
  3. Once this is done, please confirm with the finance department if all is in order and when will payment be made. Always try for a sooner date for payment. Request remittances.
  4. All remittances should be saved in the invoice register folder in a remittance sub-folder.
  5. Remittance for all outstanding payments must be collected and checked on the 5th working day of every month.
  6. Laren will confirm if payments are received according to remittances and mark as paid on the Invoice register. Once completed the Accounts Admin can mark as paid on Sage.
