Installation of goods can either done by a sales representative, technician, or outsourced technician.
It is the duty of the Sales Rep or Technician to read the manual an familiarize themselves with the installation prior to the arranged date of installation. Manuals can be requested from the Aftersales Support Admin if it is not on the drive.
Installation should always be scheduled as soon as the order is delivered.
Installation for freezers should happened over 2 days. On the first day the Apex representative will arrange for the Refrigerator/Freezer to be de-crated, moved into position and assembled. After 24hrs the representative can return to switch on the unit.
A completed Installation Report is required for each single equipment installed.
Any damages to the equipment should be reported to the Aftersales Support Admin immediately
Once installation is complete the representative is required to train an end user on the basic operation of the equipment.
Once the Installation and Training is complete the Apex representative is required to make sure the form is complete. The customer is then required to sign and the form should be submitted to the Aftersales Support Admin.
The aftersales support admin needs to then save this installation report in the relevant OC folder and add a “data tag” to this document as per the data tag video.
The aftersales support admin will then submit the installation report and POD from courier or delivery note to the accounts admin for invoicing to be done.