Order Progress Feedback

  1. The Aftersales Support Admin is required to provide feedback to customers during the Order to Delivery Process. 
  2. Update intervals are outlined in the Order to Delivery Workflow Process in italics.
  3. Email templates should be used to provide updates. The email templates should be created in your Template Folder in Zoho Mail. 
  4. Updated information for orders are provided in the Order Register and is out lined in the Order Register Workflow Process
  5. Delivery lead times can be calculated using the Delivery Lead time Estimator
  6. For delivery update on spares please add “Please note that this delivery update is for the spares required for your repair. Once the spares arrive, I will call to schedule a date that the technician an complete the repair”.
  7. Order progress feedback should be done throughout the week and completed by latest on Thursday every week. There should not be any red font by Thursday afternoon. The accounts admin will add any new updates in red font and once the Aftersales support admin informs the customer they will change this font to black.


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