Shipping Quotes
- When an order is ready for collection from the supplier, we request the shipping dimensions, weight, HS Code (if not already on the supplier invoice).
- The shipping dimensions, weight, HS Code and value of goods (as per supplier invoice) are sent to freight companies requesting estimates. (Sea freight: Schenker, Air Freight: FedEx)
- For a shipment from a new supplier, new product, large consignment or if the estimated received is too high please get a minimum of 3 quotes from other suppliers.
- Sea or Airfreight is used depending on the weight of a shipment. Usually, 80kgs and above is sea freighted and below 80kgs is Airfreighted with a few exceptions. These exceptions include dangerous goods i.e. fridges and freezers as they have gasses, items with batteries, harmful chemicals.
- A costing for the shipment must be done based on the cheapest estimate. This is done as per costing template.
- This costing along with these estimates must be sent to Laren for approval.
- Once approved, we may proceed with arranging the shipment, ensure that an ETS(earliest time of sail) is given prior to confirming collection with forwarder as per Booking a Shipping Consignment Workflow Process