Improve Your Pipetting Technique

Pipetting: Find proper pipetting technique and eliminate the sources of error in pipetting Establishing a proper pipetting technique and eliminating potential sources of error in pipetting can be quite a challenge in an everyday lab. When learning how to pipette, a few aspects are worth taking a closer look at. First of all, the types of […]

Guide to pipetting and handling of difficult liquids

When the liquid becomes the challenge – Guide to pipetting and handling of difficult liquids Whether they are viscous, fluorescent or light-sensitive substances, or reagents that require extra strict aseptic conditions, handling of difficult liquids can be quite challenging in your daily lab routine. Follow Capp’s guide to pipetting. Guide to pipetting. Handling of difficult liquids […]

Choose the Right Spot for Your Ultralow Freezer

Things to Consider when setting up your Ultralow Freezer It is important that Ultra Low Temperature Freezers be placed in your laboratory appropriately to ensure maximum efficiency, safety and longer equipment life. Here are some pointers that you can follow in choosing the right spot for your ULT freezer. Place it on flat surface: Position your […]

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