Most of us know that CO₂ is a colorless, odorless gas that’s soluble in water and often seen as the bubbles in fizzy drinks. But it’s also a greenhouse gas, a by-product that’s released when we burn materials containing carbon, as well as a gas formed in the respiratory and metabolic processes of living organisms, […]
Tag Archives: south africa
Relative humidity – How is it defined and calculated? The first step on the journey to mastering humidity parameters is to understand partial pressures. We’ll begin our journey by the sea, with a one-meter square drawn in the sand. Now, imagine that there is an air column going up through the atmosphere and into space, with […]
A study of mapping studies: Open-door versus defrost cycles We receive many questions from customers on mapping studies and monitoring applications. Often the questions generate interesting exchanges that dig deep into the application details, methods used, and rationales. In this blog we share one such exchange between Paul Daniel, Vaisala’s Senior GxP Regulatory expert, and a customer […]
What role do alerts play in a modern measurement system? Nowadays we are bombarded by notifications, especially on our smartphones, where we might receive several every hour. Alerts are notifications about exceptional situations in your system; they make sure you are forewarned if conditions take a turn for the worse, helping to prevent disaster or […]
Indoor and vertical farming technology operations require significant investments to scale and maintain operations profitably. Key factors for success are energy use for climate control, and labor to support operations. Accurate and dependable environmental sensors such as those for humidity, temperature, and carbon dioxide, can help reduce costs in both categories, while lower quality instruments […]
Carbon dioxide measurement is required in many applications from building automation and greenhouses to life science and safety. Many technologies are used to measure CO2. Infrared (IR) sensing is the most widely applied one. Benefits of IR sensors over chemical sensors: stable and highly selective to the measured gas a long lifetime and they withstand high humidity, dust, […]
The food & beverage industry must make many tests and take certain measurements to ensure that their products meet high standards and are safe for consumption. The Photopette can be used for photometric measurements of liquid samples. The objective of this application note is to demonstrate how Photopette Cell can be used to quantify the […]
E.coli cell counting at OD600 is demonstrated using the Photopette® handheld spectrophotometer [1, 2]. Almost no training is requited. The method is easy and fast performed at the bioreactor or in the cell culture hood. E. coli can be directly measured at 600 nm in the cell culture flask. The method can be performed at […]
Yeast cell counting at OD600 is demonstrated using the Photopette® handheld spectrophotometer [1, 2]. Almost no training is requited. The method is easy and fast performed at the brewery or in the cell culture hood. Yeast can be directly measured at 600 nm in the cell culture flask. The method can be performed at any […]
Here we demonstrate a method to measure the pantoprazolecontent in tablets within 10 minutes. There are no reagentsnecessary. By using the Photopette® handheldspectrophotometer [1, 2] only minimal training is requited.The method is easy and fast performed in two steps 1)Calibration and 2) Measurement. The method can beperformed at any location and does not require a […]